Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Birthday Continued

What did I do today? Well, I woke up really early this morning, my internal clock is set, unwantingly, somewhere between 6 and 6:30 AM, by the wonderful sound of thunder. It has finally cooled down here, but it's now a little muggy. For class today we went to the National Gallery where we explored some of the Sainsbury Wing and parts of the actual orginial museum. We saw paintings from the Italian Gothic period, to the stages of the Renaissance, then ended with a brief intro to the Impressionists. We primarily looked at the content and how to recognize certain periods of time in the content and style of the paintings. It was fun.

Back at that the Atlantic house, I ate lunch, then hung around the computer lab for a couple hourse making a list of theater shows that I wanted to go to, and then I went up stairs to my room for a nap. An hour before dinner I window shopped on High Street Kensington, and then met my friends for dinner at the caferteria.

Since I couldn't decided on a cheap or free place to go to celebrate my birthday, my friends decided that we were going to watch the football match between Portugal and France and eat birthday cake. I'm finally coming off of a chocolate buzz.

I know that this must seem quite uneventful for a 21st birthday, but I'm going to make it up. I'll be in Paris for a whirlwind weekend and then I believe that we're all going to try to see Pirates of the Caribbean II on Monday. It's going to be fun.


Anonymous said...

Hey Dot!

Happy Freakin' Birthday dude! Yer finally 21! Your page is beyond awesome and it sounds like you are on the trip of a lifetime! Nothing like a "Foggy Day In Londontown" to ring in the birthday cheer! I hope that you ate PLENTY of cake for me. I have some more news for you so give me a call or I'll e-mail you in a day or two. I hope you have a BLAST in Paris this weekend! Bring me back a souvenir, will you? A guy that's about 6 feet tall, dark hair,light eyes a gorgeous face with an accent to match will do just fine...

Talk to ya later!
Erin :-)

Anonymous said...

A very happy b-day to my baby!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like an awesome way to celebrate the big 2-1 to me. Can't wait to hear all about Paris!