I had a packed day in
Leicester Square. Since I hadn't signed up to see Evita with the rest of the program, I decided that I was going to see the Agatha Christie's play "The Mousetrap." This is the longest playing show in London. It premiered in 1952 and has never stopped showing. I got lost finding the theater. I accidently went down the wrong way on
Charing Cross, but I soon found it. I decided that I really wanted a good seat for once and so I spent £20 for a front seat in the Upper Circle.
Once I had my ticket I headed back to Leicester Square to do a little bit of shopping for my people back home. I then broke down yet again, because it was so hot, and I bought a rasberry frap from Starbucks. It might be a little expensive but it was sure worth it.
Normally after I finish what I set out to do I head back to the Atlantic house and eat dinner and then later go to my show. But today I decided to stand around and wait for a movie premiere to start. The movie was
Stormbreaker, which was filmed in London, and has stars like Alex Pettyfer (a teen hearthrob here), Ewan McGregor, Bill Nighy, Alicia Silverstone, Robbie Coltrane, and so on.

So I stand around for a bit and then they start putting up the barriers, so I get my spot second row from the fence. After an hour or so the crowd grew bigger, especially when they laid out the red carpet. After a while the woman that I was standing next to and I began to talk. After another while I figured out that she was from Manchester and was in London for the day talking to casting agencies. We both wanted to see Ewan McGregor.

Finally, after standing for almost two hours, the stars began to arrive. Since we were standing right in front of the theater, we saw everyone. Billy Nighy was the first to arrive, then there was Alicia Silverstone, and then there was Alex Pettyfer. Of course they all head to the spots where the news cameras were first and then they made their way towards us. By that time two 14 year olds had weezled past us and were making horrible high pitched screams and yelling "Come over here!" all the time, and from behind and from both sides I was being squished. I could barely move, but at least I got some pictures.

It was getting closer to 7:30PM, which was when I really needed to leave for the theater, but I decided to wait a little longer and see if anyone else was coming. And finally, Ewan McGregor showed up. He looks better in person than he does in his pictures. He's very handsome and has great hair. Satisfied, the lady and I slowly made our way out and compared pictures of the clebrities we saw. We didn't do too badly. We then parted ways forever. I decided that I will probably never go to another premiere again, or at least one that involves teen heartthrobes.

I hurried up the street to the St. Martin's Theater to see The Mousetrap. I got to my seat and chugged down an entire bottle of water. I was really looking forward to sitting in a comfy seat and watching a mystery play.
The show was great. I loved the set - which apparently hasn't changed much since the show started in 1952. The actors were very good and were very convincing. I tried my hardest to figure out who was the murderer. I was close, but I didn't get it. But I won't tell you who did it. It's tradition explained at the end of the show to tell the audience that now that we have seen the show we are part of the crime itself, and should never reveal the murderer's identity. Ironically enough, this was done by the murderer. A nice touch. I really liked the show and the seat was great. Well worth the money.
I made my way back to the Atlantic house and took a well needed shower. I then had a very late dinner of Cadbury chocolate and a orange soda from the vending machines down in the commons and then it was on to the computer labs.
You saw Ewan MacGregor? I. Am. So. JEALOUS!
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