Writing this paper was a little stressful. This past week I've been keeping random notes about certain works of art I've seen during my museum visits. My plan was to go through them and organize them so they would provide the base for my paper. Our professor first said that the paper can be turned in either Thursday or Friday. However, it was just today that two other girls and I found out that the rest of the class had decided yesterday, while we we off on an errand, that the paper was going to be turned in Thursday - tomorrow. We had no idea and now found ourselves with one day less to work on it.
So I decided to forget the idea of seeing another play tonight and to spend all afternoon in the computer lab and write this paper. I wish I had more warning to organize my notes and thoughts, however I think I did quite well under such a time constrant. I must thank my dad for helping me proofread it. After spending several hours at a computer my brain had turned to mush and I couldn't tell if my paper made any sense. Thankfully, it does. I hope that my teacher likes it.
As I think about it now, I really didn't mind being in the computer lab all day. It's the only place in the Atlantic House that has air coniditioning. It is brutally hot over here - it's well into tho 90s! If I had gone through with my idea of buying a theater ticket and then finishing my shopping today I would've died. I even decided that I had to wear a skirt today and flip flops, however even then I was still hot when I went to see the Wallace Collection for class this morning.

Of course, I shouldn't complain too much about the heat here cause on Saturday I will be returning to Texas. But at least in Texas we have air conditioning all over the house! I can't wait!
Yes, yes I have been in London for weeks and weeks, however it is hard to enjoy the sites when it is so hot. It might not be as hot as Texas above ground, but once you get into the Tube, which is basically the only way to get around the city, the temperature rises into the 100s (yes, there is no air conditioning in the Tube). Now take that temperature and the fact that you will have to stand in group of other smelly people, especially men who do not believe in deodorant, for several stops and what do you get? Not a lot of fun. But that's all part of the experience. I should come back home with a T-Shirt that says "I've Survived the Tube."
Another note, yesterday London broke the temperature record that was set in 1911. It was 102 F yesterday. At least today it will back down in the 80s.
Eeewwww...Smelly people on the Tube. The dark side of London.:)
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